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The anti-tumor effect of RANKL inhibition in malignant solid tumors - A systematic review
Use of the BOADICEA Web Application in clinical practice: appraisals by clinicians from various countries
Revealing determinant factors for early breast cancer recurrence by decision tree
The prognostic value of the tumour-stroma ratio in primary operable invasive cancer of the breast: a validation study
CDK4/6 inhibition in early and metastatic breast cancer: A review
Cross-cultural comparison of breast cancer patients' Quality of Life in the Netherlands and Japan
Stimulation of the ovaries in women with breast cancer undergoing fertility preservation: Alternative versus standard stimulation protocols; the study protocol of the STIM-trial
Pathological characterisation of male breast cancer: Results of the EORTC 10085/TBCRC/BIG/NABCG International Male Breast Cancer Program
Optimizing breast cancer survival models based on conventional biomarkers and stromal parameters
A difficult balancing act : Informing breast cancer patients about adjuvant systemic therapy
Treatment recommendations for older women with breast cancer: A survey among surgical, radiation and medical oncologists
HER2 status predicts for upfront AI benefit: A TRANS-AIOG meta-analysis of 12,129 patients from ATAC, BIG 1-98 and TEAM with centrally determined HER2
Accuracy of the online prognostication tools PREDICT and Adjuvant! for early-stage breast cancer patients younger than 50 years
The effects of breast cancer therapy on estrogen receptor signaling throughout the body
Clinical evidence supporting genomic tests in early breast cancer: Do all genomic tests provide the same information?
Targeted therapy in older women with breast cancer - What's the target?
Specific adverse events are associated with response to exemestane therapy in postmenopausal breast cancer patients: Results from the TEAMIIA study (BOOG2006-04)
Association of breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers with genetic variants showing differential allelic expression: identification of a modifier of breast cancer risk at locus 11q22.3
Don't forget the dentist: Dental care use and needs of women with breast cancer
Use of implicit persuasion in decision making about adjuvant cancer treatment: A potential barrier to shared decision making
