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(61 - 80 of 125)


The association of childhood maltreatment with depression and anxiety is not moderated by the oxytocin receptor gene
Prediction of 6-yr symptom course trajectories of anxiety disorders by diagnostic, clinical and psychological variables
The role of anxiety in cortisol stress response and cortisol recovery in boys with oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder
Cognitive flexibility deficits in a mouse model for the absence of full-length dystrophin
The effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on conditioned fear extinction in humans
Borderline personality features in depressed or anxious patients
Behavioral effects of D3 receptor inhibition and 5-HT4 receptor activation on animals undergoing chronic cannabinoid exposure during adolescence
Childhood maltreatment, maladaptive personality types and level and course of psychological distress: A six-year longitudinal study
Investigating distinct and common abnormalities of resting-state functional connectivity in depression, anxiety, and their comorbid states
Symptom dimensions of affective disorders in migraine patients
Trait rumination predicts onset of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder through trauma-related cognitive appraisals: A 4-year longitudinal study
Trait rumination predicts onset of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder through trauma-related cognitive appraisals: A 4-year longitudinal study
Common rather than unique aspects of repetitive negative thinking are related to depressive and anxiety disorders and symptoms
Depressive and anxiety disorders: Associated with losing or gaining weight over 2 years?
Common rather than unique aspects of repetitive negative thinking are related to depressive and anxiety disorders and symptoms
The Affective Amygdala : towards a better understanding of adolescent depressive and anxiety disorders
Associations between life stress and subclinical cardiovascular disease are partly mediated by depressive and anxiety symptoms
Cognitive vulnerability and implicit emotional processing: imbalance in frontolimbic brain areas?
Content specificity of attention bias to threat in anxiety disorders: A meta-analysis
