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Students' beliefs and behaviour regarding low-calorie beverages, sweets or snacks: are they affected by lessons on healthy food and by changes to school vending machines?
Metabolic and endocrine adaptations to fasting in lean and obese individuals
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and calorie restriction : differences and similarities of endocrine and metabolic effects in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Adipose tissue inflammation : implications for joint diseases
Turning up the heat : role of brown adipose tissue in metabolic disease
Association of lung function measurements and visceral fat in men with metabolic syndrome
Insulin resistance : pathophysiology in South Asians & therapeutic strategies
Pulmonary Function Testing and Complications of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
Effect of the Go4it multidisciplinary group treatment for obese adolescents on health related quality of life: a randomised controlled trial
The Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity (NEO) study: study design and data collection
Adipocyte-derived lipids modulate CD4(+) T-cell function
Inflammation : a link between metabolic syndrome and osteoarthritis?
The influence of morbid obesity on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs in adolescents and adults : focus on propofol and nadroparin.
Exome sequencing-driven discovery of coding polymorphisms associated with common metabolic phenotypes
On how obesity links with osteoarthritis
Norms and discriminative validity of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q)
The effect of family-based multidisciplinary cognitive behavioral treatment on health-related quality of life in childhood obesity
Metabolic risk factors in depressive and anxiety disorders
Systems biology for evaluating system-based medicine
Understanding the biological mechanisms underlying acquired risk factors for venous thrombosis : studies in mice
