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Recent publications in African linguistics
The semantics of pluractionals and punctuals in Konso (Cushitic, Ethiopia)
Phonological and syntactic phrasing in Bemba relatives
Review of Robert Nicolaï, La force des choses ou l'épreuve 'nilo-saharienne'
Review of David Sudlow: The Tamasheq of North-East Burkina Faso
Review of Jeffrey Heath: Jewish and Muslim Dialects of Moroccan Arabic
Commentary on the Berber Forms in Orel and Stolbova
Review: T.F. Mitchell and S.A. El-Hassan 'Modality, Mood and Aspect in Spoken Arabic'
A reconstruction of Proto-Afro-Asiatic
Schwa en berbère
Nasalization in Umbundu
Tone in South African Bantu Dictionaries