Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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(981 - 998 of 998)


Astrometry with the MCAO instrument MAD. An analysis of single-epoch data obtained in the layer-oriented mode
Elevated insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor signaling induces antiestrogen resistance through the MAPK/ERK and PI3K/Akt signaling routes
Water in low-mass star-forming regions with Herschel . HIFI spectroscopy of NGC 1333
Radio counterpart of the lensed submm emission in the cluster MS0451.6-0305: new evidence for the merger scenario
Very Large Array observations of the 8 o'clock arc lens system: Radio emission and a limit on the star-formation rate
APEX-CHAMP(+) high-J CO observations of low-mass young stellar objects II. Distribution and origin of warm molecular gas
The core flux of the brightest 10 μm galaxies in the southern sky
Deep extragalactic VLBI-optical survey (DEVOS): II. efficient VLBI detection of SDSS quasars
Resolving the innermost parsec of Centaurus A at midinfrared wavelengths
Highly-magnified, multiply-imaged radio counterparts of the sub-mm starburst emission in the cluster-lens MS0451.6-0305
High spatial resolution mid-infrared observations of the low-mass young star TW Hydrae
Infrared spectroscopy of solid CO-CO2 mixtures and layers
The mid-IR spatially resolved environment of OH 26.5+0.6 at maximum luminosity
Mid-infrared sizes of circumstellar disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars measured with MIDI on the VLTI
Mid-infrared sizes of circumstellar disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars measured with MIDI on the VLTI
Neutral hydrogen and optical observations of edge-on galaxies: Hunting for warps
Relation between dust and radio luminosity in optically selected early type galaxies
Modeling Li I and K I sensitivity to Pleiades activity
