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T1 colorectal cancer patients' perspective on information provision and therapeutic decision-making after local resection
Evaluation of national surgical practice for lateral lymph nodes in rectal cancer in an untrained setting
Clinical consequences of diagnostic variability in the histopathological evaluation of early rectal cancer
Diagnostic value of radiological staging and surveillance for T1 colorectal carcinomas
Diagnostic value of radiological staging and surveillance for T1 colorectal carcinomas
Risk factors for a permanent stoma after resection of left-sided obstructive colon cancer
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on surgical care in the Netherlands
Colonoscopic-assisted laparoscopic wedge resection for colonic lesions A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study (LIMERIC-Study)
Definition of large bowel obstruction by primary colorectal cancer: A systematic review
Time interval between self-expandable metal stent placement or creation of a decompressing stoma and elective resection of left-sided obstructive colon cancer
Referrals for surgical removal of polyps since the introduction of a colorectal cancer screening programme
Influence of Conversion and Anastomotic Leakage on Survival in Rectal Cancer Surgery; Retrospective Cross-sectional Study
Propensity score-matched analysis of oncological outcome between stent as bridge to surgery and emergency resection in patients with malignant left-sided colonic obstruction
Effectiveness of endosponge therapy for the management of presacral abscesses following rectal surgery
Three-Year Nationwide Experience with Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer in the Netherlands: A Propensity Score-Matched Comparison with Conventional Laparoscopic Total Mesorectal Excision
Quality of life and fear of cancer recurrence in T1 colorectal cancer patients treated with endoscopic or surgical tumor resection
Cross-Sectional Study on MRI Restaging After Chemoradiotherapy and Interval to Surgery in Rectal Cancer: Influence on Short- and Long-Term Outcomes
Consequences of testing for mismatch repair deficiency of colorectal cancer in clinical practice
Benchmarking recent national practice in rectal cancer treatment with landmark randomized controlled trials
Consequences of CT colonography in stenosing colorectal cancer
