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Council of Europe resolution CM/Res(2016)2
Evaluating Adherence to Guideline-Based Quality Indicators for Postpartum Hemorrhage Care in the Netherlands Using Video Analysis
Low dose aspirin in the prevention of recurrent spontaneous preterm labour the APRIL study: a multicenter randomized placebo controlled trial
Temporizing management versus termination of pregnancy in women with severe preeclampsia at 28-34 weeks (TOTEM-Trial)
Nifedipine versus atosiban for tocolysis in preterm labour (Assessment of Perinatal Outcome after Specific Tocolysis in Early Labour: APOSTEL III-trial)
Assessment of obstetric-teams' non-technical skills in the management of postpartum hemorrhage using actual care video recordings
Comparison of the Actim Partus test and fetal fibronectin test in combination with cervical length in the prediction of spontaneous preterm delivery in symptomatic women: a post-hoc analysis
False-positive, false-negative and uninterpretable results in fetal fibronectin testing during the APOSTEL1 study; which factors do contribute?
Delivery versus expectant monitoring for late preterm hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HYPITAT-II): a multicenter, open label, randomized controlled trial
The risk of preterm delivery in women with signs of preterm labor before 34 weeks who do not deliver within 7 days: the APOSTEL-1 cohort
Does quantitative fetal fibronectin testing improve the prediction of spontaneous preterm delivery as compared to qualitative fetal fibronectin testing in symptomatic women: a post-hoc analysis
The contribution of vaginal examination to risk stratification of women with signs of preterm labor before 34 weeks gestation: the APOSTEL1-cohort
Poor translation into local protocols of Dutch nationwide post partum hemorrhage guideline and MOET-instructions (Fluxim study)