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Protein biomarkers and major cardiovascular events in older people with advanced CKD
Association between CKD-MBD and mortality in older patients with advanced CKD
Clinical and patient-reported trajectories at end-of-life in older patients with advanced CKD
The impact of gender on the risk of cardiovascular events in older adults with advanced chronic kidney disease
Symptom burden before and after dialysis initiation in older patients
Predicting kidney failure, cardiovascular disease, and death in advanced CKD patients
The association between TMAO, CMPF, and clinical outcomes in advanced chronic kidney disease
Quality of life before and after the start of dialysis in older patients
Patient-reported measures and lifestyle are associated with deterioration in nutritional status in CKD stage 4-5
Converting from face-to-face to postal follow-up and its effects on participant retention, response rates and errors
Health-related quality-of-life trajectories over time in older men and women with advanced chronic kidney disease
Kidney failure prediction models
International prescribing patterns and polypharmacy in older people with advanced chronic kidney disease
Association Between Renal Function and Troponin T Over Time in Stable Chronic Kidney Disease Patients