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Informing the public about chemical mixtures in the local environment: Currently applied indicators in the Netherlands and ways forward
A prospective ecological risk assessment of high-efficiency III–V/silicon tandem solar cells
Sustainability claims of nanoenabled pesticides require a more thorough evaluation
Robust calculus for biotransformation in wastewater generalised across thousands of chemicals and conditions
A systematic review of the impacts of exposure to micro- and nano-plastics on human tissue accumulation and health
Earthworm coelomocyte internalization of MoS2 nanosheets
Exposure protocol for ecotoxicity testing of microplastics and nanoplastics
Zooplankton community turnover in response to a novel TiO2-coated nano-formulation of carbendazim and its constituents
Comparative physiological and metabolomics analyses using Ag⎯NPs and HAS31 (PGPR) to alleviate Cr stress in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Determination of excited triplet states of dissolved organic matter using chemical probes
Screening level approach to support companies in making safe and sustainable by design decisions at the early stages of innovation
Tracing and trapping micro- and nanoplastics
Interactions of molybdenum disulfide nanosheets with wheat plants under changing environments
Species-dependent responses of crop plants to polystyrene microplastics
Coupled lipidomics and digital pathology as an effective strategy to identify novel adverse outcome pathways in Eisenia fetida exposed to MoS2 nanosheets and ionic Mo
Dark repair of sunlight-inactivated tetracycline-resistant bacteria
The bigger fish
Developing and verifying a quantitative dissolution model for metal-bearing nanoparticles in aqueous media
Evaluating the spatial and temporal distribution of emerging contaminants in the Pearl River Basin for regulating purposes
Understanding the ecological effects of the fungicide difenoconazole on soil and Enchytraeus crypticus gut microbiome
