Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Distributed synthesis of asynchronously communicating distributed process models
On discovering distributed process models
A Precise Characterisation of Step Traces and Their Concurrent Histories
Classifying invariant structures of step traces
Signal set tissue systems and overlapping localities
Evolving reaction systems
Applying regions
Alphabets of Acyclic Invariant Structures
Adding A/Sync Places to the Synthesis Procedure for Whole-Place Operations Nets with Localities
Methods for Distributed and Concurrent Systems
Invariant Structures and Dependence Relations
Classifying Invariant Structures of Step Traces
Communication and Compatibility in Systems of Systems: Correctness-by-Construction
Coupling of Petri Net Models of the Mycobacterial Infection Process and Innate Immune Response
Characterising Concurrent Histories
A multi-scale extensive Petri net model of the bacterial-macrophage interaction
Modeling Innate Immune Response to Early Mycobacterium Infection