Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Human-specific subcellular compartmentalization of P-element induced wimpy testis-like (PIWIL) granules during germ cell development and spermatogenesis
DNA methylation and transcriptional trajectories during human development and reprogramming of isogenic pluripotent stem cells
Human Extravillous Trophoblasts Penetrate Decidual Veins and Lymphatics before Remodeling Spiral Arteries during Early Pregnancy
On the development of extragonadal and gonadal human germ cells
Development of the stria vascularis and potassium regulation in the human fetal cochlea: Insights into hereditary sensorineural hearing loss
Meiotic Wave Adds Extra Asymmetry to the Development of Female Chicken Gonads
DNA Methylation Landscapes of Human Fetal Development
Transcriptome of human foetal heart compared with cardiomyocytes from pluripotent stem cells
KeyGenes, a Tool to Probe Tissue Differentiation Using a Human Fetal Transcriptional Atlas
Development of the follicular basement membrane during human gametogenesis and early folliculogenesis
Distribution and Development of Peripheral Glial Cells in the Human Fetal Cochlea
Neurosensory development and cell fate determination in the human cochlea