Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Robustness of the rule‐learning effect in 7‐month‐old infants
Self-projection in early childhood
Cooperation and preference by peers in early childhood: A longitudinal study
Intention to imitate: Top-down effects on 4-year-olds’ neural processing of others’ actions
Theta oscillations in 4-year-olds are sensitive to task engagement and task demands
Modulating mimicry: Exploring the roles of inhibitory control and social understanding in 5-year-olds' behavioral mimicry
Gazepath: An eye-tracking analysis tool that accounts for individual differences and data quality. Behavior research methods
Neural mirroring and social interaction: motor system involvement during action observation relates to early peer cooperation
The role of child characteristics and peer experiences in the development of peer cooperation
Development of interpersonal coordination between peers during a drumming task