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Generation of realistic virtual adult populations using a model-based copula approach
Corrigendum to “Does nonlinear blood-brain barrier transport matter for (lower) morphine dosing strategies?”
Non‐linear blood–brain barrier transport and dosing strategies influence receptor occupancy ratios of morphine and its metabolites in pain matrix
Predictions of bedaquiline central nervous system exposure in patients with tuberculosis meningitis using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling
Does nonlinear blood-brain barrier transport matter for (lower) morphine dosing strategies?
Attainment of target antibiotic levels by oral treatment of left-sided infective endocarditis
Semi-physiological enriched population pharmacokinetic modelling to predict the effects of pregnancy on the pharmacokinetics of cytotoxic drugs
Evaluation of a cardiovascular systems model for design and analysis of hemodynamic safety studies
Predictions of bedaquiline and pretomanid target attainment in lung lesions of tuberculosis patients using translational minimal physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling
Physiologically based modelling framework for prediction of pulmonary pharmacokinetics of antimicrobial target site concentrations
A system pharmacology Boolean network model for the TLR4-mediated inflammatory response in early sepsis
Quantitative systems pharmacology modeling framework of autophagy in tuberculosis
Modelling inflammatory biomarker dynamics in a human lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge study using delay differential equations
Unraveling antimicrobial resistance using metabolomics
Characterizing the kinetics of presepsin and associated inflammatory biomarkers in human endotoxemia
Allele-specific collateral and fitness effects determine the dynamics of fluoroquinolone resistance evolution
The Immunometabolic Atlas
Host-directed therapies for tuberculosis: quantitative systems pharmacology approaches
Publisher correction: anti-cancer treatment schedule optimization based on tumor dynamics modelling incorporating evolving resistance
A novel cardiovascular systems model to quantify drugs effects on the inter‐relationship between contractility and other hemodynamic variables
