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Making sense of a myocardial infarction in relation to changing lifestyle in the five months following the event
Making sense of a myocardial infarction in relation to changing lifestyle in the five months following the event
Making sense of a myocardial infarction in relation to changing lifestyle in the five months following the event
Dealing with alcohol-related posts on social media
My future-self has (not) quit smoking
My future-self has (not) quit smoking: An experimental study into the effect of a future-self intervention on smoking-related self-identity constructs
Identified or conflicted
Identified or conflicted
Identified or conflicted: a latent class and regression tree analysis explaining how identity constructs cluster within smokers
Mapping the evidence on identity processes and identity-related interventions in the smoking and physical activity domains: a scoping review protocol
The role of personality factors in young adults’ motives for sharing alcohol references on social networking sites
Like to drink
Like to drink: Dynamics of liking alcohol posts and effects on alcohol use
Mapping the evidence on identity processes and identity-related interventions in the smoking and physical activity domains
The development and validation of scales to measure the presence of a teachable moment following a cardiovascular disease event
Causal effects of alcohol-related Facebook posts on drinking behavior
Causal Effects of Alcohol-Related Facebook Posts on Drinking Behavior: Longitudinal Experimental Study
The COVID-19 crisis as a teachable moment for lifestyle change in Dutch cardiovascular disease patients
The COVID-19 Crisis as a Teachable Moment for Lifestyle Change in Dutch Cardiovascular Disease Patients
The COVID-19 crisis as a teachable moment for lifestyle change in Dutch cardiovascular disease patients
