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Comparing the effectiveness and predictors of cognitive behavioural therapy-enhanced between patients with various eating disorder diagnoses
The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on social relationships of forensic psychiatric outpatients with preexisting social network-related problems
Tactile stimulation in the delivery room: past, present, future
A survey of depression and anxiety disorders in urban and rural Suriname.
Oxygen saturation and heart rate in healthy term and late preterm infants with delayed cord clamping
Feasibility and effect of physiological-based CPAP in preterm infants at birth
Stimulating and maintaining spontaneous breathing during transition of preterm infants
Increased end-expiratory pressures improve lung function in near-term newborn rabbits with elevated airway liquid volume at birth
The effect of initial oxygen exposure on diaphragm activity in preterm infants at birth
Optimizing oxygenation of the preterm infant directly at birth: focus of future studies
High-CPAP does not impede cardiovascular changes at birth in preterm sheep
Human and cervid osseous materials used for barbed point manufacture in Mesolithic Doggerland
Reflexes that impact spontaneous breathing of preterm infants at birth: a narrative review
High variability in nurses' tactile stimulation methods in response to apnoea of prematurity
Online cognitive behavioral therapy enhanced for binge eating disorder
Stratified exercise therapy compared with usual care by physical therapists in patients with knee osteoarthritis
Evaluation of an educational course for primary care physiotherapists on comorbidity-adapted exercise therapy in knee osteoarthritis
The Changing Landscape in Supporting Preterm Infants at Birth
The Effect of Initial High vs. Low FiO(2) on Breathing Effort in Preterm Infants at Birth: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Issues in cardiopulmonary transition at birth
