Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Natural course of care dependency in residents of long-term care facilities: prospective follow-up study
Cost-Effectiveness of Cranberry Capsules to Prevent Urinary Tract Infection in Long-Term Care Facilities: Economic Evaluation with a Randomized Controlled Trial
Effectiveness of Cranberry Capsules to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections in Vulnerable Older Persons: A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial in Long-Term Care Facilities
The implementation of integrated emotion-oriented care: Did it actually change the attitude, skills and time spent of trained caregivers?
Clinically diagnosed infections predict disability in activities of daily living among the oldest-old in the general population: the Leiden 85-plus Study
Cytomegalovirus infection and responsiveness to influenza vaccination in elderly residents of long-term care facilities
Predictive factors of urinary tract infections among the oldest old in the general population. a population-based prospective follow-up study
How much time should long-term care and geriatric rehabilitation facilities (nursing homes) spend on infection control?
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