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Chemoradiation and local excision versus total mesorectal excision for T2N0 rectal cancer
Adjuvant chemotherapy is superior to chemoradiation after D2 surgery for gastric cancer in the per-protocol analysis of the randomized CRITICS trial
Effect of Hospital Volume With Respect to Performing Gastric Cancer Resection on Recurrence and Survival Results From the CRITICS Trial
Time trends of short-term mortality for octogenarians undergoing a colorectal resection in North Europe
Impact of upfront randomization for postoperative treatment on quality of surgery in the CRITICS gastric cancer trial
International comparison of treatment strategy and survival in metastatic gastric cancer
North European comparison of treatment strategy and survival in older patients with resectable gastric cancer: A EURECCA upper gastrointestinal group analysis
Survival differences with immediate versus delayed chemotherapy for asymptomatic incurable metastatic colorectal cancer
Surgicopathological Quality Control and Protocol Adherence to Lymphadenectomy in the CRITICS Gastric Cancer Trial
Quality assurance in the surgical treatment of gastric cancer
Treatment and Survival of Patients with Colon Cancer Aged 80 Years and Older: A EURECCA International Comparison
Treatment and survival of rectal cancer patients over the age of 80 years: a EURECCA international comparison
Surgical morbidity and mortality after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the CRITICS gastric cancer trial
Association between hospital volume and quality of gastric cancer surgery in the CRITICS trial
Surgicopathological quality control in the CRITICS gastric cancer trial