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The black box of technological outcome measures
Cognitive-motor interference during goal-directed upper-limb movements
Optical Hand Tracking: A Novel Technique for the Assessment of Bradykinesia in Parkinson's Disease
Manipulation of visual information affects control strategy during a visuomotor tracking task
Objective, unobtrusive assessment of bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease
Intended and unintended (sensory-)motor coupling between the affected and unaffected upper limb in complex regional pain syndrome
Evaluation of mirrored muscle activity in patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Force modulation deficits in complex regional pain syndrome: A potential role for impaired sense of force production
Motor dysfunction in complex regional pain syndrome : the role of sensory processing and sensory-motor integration
Motor Dysfunction of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Is Related to Impaired Central Processing of Proprioceptive Information
Deficient muscle activation in patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and abnormal hand postures: An electromyographic evaluation
Motor consequences of experimentally induced limb pain: A systematic review