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Effect of thyroid hormone therapy on fatigability in older adults with subclinical hypothyroidism
Managing hypertension in frail oldest-old-the role of guideline use by general practitioners from 29 countries
The impact of levothyroxine on cardiac function in older adults with mild subclinical hypothyroidism
Cost-utility and cost-effectiveness analysis of a clinical medication review focused on personal goals in older persons with polypharmacy compared to usual care
Clinical determinants of low handgrip strength and its decline in the oldest old
L-thyroxine therapy for older adults with subclinical hypothyroidism and hypothyroid symptoms
Effectiveness of intramuscular gluteal glucocorticoid injection versus intra-articular glucocorticoid injection in knee osteoarthritis
Geriatric screening, triage urgency, and 30-day mortality in older emergency department patients
Predictive value of traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease in older people: a systematic review
The APOP screener and clinical outcomes in older hospitalised internal medicine patients
The APOP screener and clinical outcomes in older hospitalized internal medicine patients
Biomarkers versus traditional risk factors to predict cardiovascular events in very old adults
Skeletal effects of levothyroxine for subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults
Association Between Levothyroxine Treatment and Thyroid-Related Symptoms Among Adults Aged 80 Years and Older With Subclinical Hypothyroidism
Combined impact of future trends on healthcare utilisation of older people: A Delphi study
The use of goal attainment scaling during clinical medication review in older persons with polypharmacy
Recommendations for (Discontinuation of) Statin Treatment in Older Adults: Review of Guidelines
Recommendations for (Discontinuation of) Statin Treatment in Older Adults: Review of Guidelines
Patient Characteristics and General Practitioners' Advice to Stop Statins in Oldest-Old Patients: a Survey Study Across 30 Countries
Associations of Elevated Antithyroperoxidase Antibodies with Thyroid Function, Survival, Functioning, and Depressive Symptoms in the Oldest Old: The Leiden 85-plus Study
