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Novye indoarijskie jazyki [New Indo-Aryan languages]
Passive to anticausative through impersonalization: The case of Vedic and Indo-European
Mutual intelligibility of English vowels by Chinese dialect speakers
Compensatory strategies for voicing of initial and medial plosives and fricatives in whispered speech in Dutch
Exploring Everyday Ethos. Ethos Techniques in Online Discussions about Extraordinary Experiences.
Brieven boven Water
An Alanic marginal note and the exact date of John II's battle with the Pechenegs
Frequency as (dis)advantage to word stress acquisition
Relative importance of tone and segments for the intelligibility of Mandarin and Cantonese
The structure of the topic field in Hungarian
Ook voor gewone mensen. Over Jaap Goedegebuure/Oek de Jong, Eckhart nu: tien visies op Meister Eckhart. Augustus 2010
Word order in Hungarian exclamatives
“Waarde en seerbeminde lieve man”. Buitgemaakte brieven tonen het gewone Nederlands van eeuwen her.
Perception of checked vowels by early and late Dutch/English bilinguals
Prepositional polysemy in Old Javanese? A semiotactic analysis of ri
Jazyki mira: Novye indoarijskie jazyki [Languages of the World: New Indo-Aryan languages]
