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Depolitisering en ontideologisering
Het Volkshuisvestingsbeleid in Nederland sinds de oorlog
Functionele benadering van G.A. Almond bij het vergelijken van politieke stelsels
The magnetic variable star HD 10783
Proper motions, mean parallaxes and space velocities of RR Lyrae variables
A survey of the continuous radiation at a frequency of 400 Mc/s
Kroniek van Afrika: vol. 5, no. 2
Kroniek van Afrika: vol. 4, no. 4
AP Velorum, a classical Cepheid with secondary period
The neutral hydrogen in the central region of the Galactic System (Errata: 17 537)
A high-velocity hydrogen cloud at low galactic latitude
The Neolithic Burial vault at Stein
Photo-electric observations of ζ Aurigae during the eclipse of 1963-1964
Magnetic stars and rotation
Linear polarization of the galactic background at 50 cm
The point-direction gain in a plane-parallel scattering atmosphere
A veluvian bell beaker with remains of a cremation in a tumules near Meerlo
