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(321 - 340 of 341)


Telepulmonology: effect on quality and efficiency of care
Successful patient self-management of COPD requires hands-on guidance
COPD symptoms in the morning: impact, evaluation and management
Integrated disease management interventions for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
One-Hour Training for General Practitioners in Reducing the Implementation Gap of Smoking Cessation Care: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial
The health economic impact of disease management programs for COPD: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis
An increase in primary care prescriptions of stop-smoking medication as a result of health insurance coverage in the Netherlands: population based study
Selected clinical highlights from the 2012 ERS congress in Vienna
RECODE: Design and baseline results of a cluster randomized trial on cost-effectiveness of integrated COPD management in primary care
Geriatric rehabilitation for patients with advanced COPD: programme characteristics and case studies
Geriatric rehabilitation for patients with advanced COPD: programme characteristics and case studies
Effecting change in primary care management of respiratory conditions: a global scoping exercise and literature review of educational interventions to inform the IPCRG's E-Quality initiative
Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA): Achievements in 10 years and future needs
Using COPD multidimensional indices in routine clinical practice: DOSE meets all criteria
Clinical highlights from the 2011 ERS Congress in Amsterdam
A nurse-led multidisciplinary COPD programme: potential flaws in the results?
Improving Quality of Life in Depressed COPD Patients: Effectiveness of a Minimal Psychological Intervention
Improving Quality of Life in Depressed COPD Patients: Effectiveness of a Minimal Psychological Intervention
Development and implementation of guidelines in allergic rhinitis - an ARIA-GA2LEN paper
BODE plus DOSE plus Pa-O2 equals DO RE MI BOX? reply
