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Simulation: The anatomj' of a fad
Constitutions and their application in the Netherlands during the middle ages
Frequency selection, spectral-index distributions and source counts
Noirs et Blancs dans l'oeuvre d'Aimé Césaire
Kroniek van Afrika: vol. 8, no. 4
A neutral-hydrogen feature at l<SUP>II</SUP> = -11°, b<SUP>II</SUP> = +3°
Kroniek van Afrika: vol. 8, no. 1
The galactic magnetic field derived from cosmic-ray electrons
Investigations on population II Cepheids. I. New photoelectric observations.
On the possibility of amplification of 21-cm radio emission in high-velocity clouds (Errata: 20 224)
Kroniek van Afrika: vol. 8, no. 2
Kroniek van Afrika: Special issue: Biafra
A programme for determining distance information for the high-velocity clouds
Der Nachlaß Klingenheben.
De samenstelling van de Staten van de Bourgondische landsheerlijkheden omstreeks 1464
The major-axis distribution of long-period comets
