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Observations of M 32 at 21 cm
Five new variable stars in Corona Australis
The galactic system as a spiral nebula (Council Note)
Dynamics of bright rims in diffuse nebulae
The distribution of atomic hydrogen in the Galaxy
Preliminary results of measurements of flexure of the Leiden meridian telescope
Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics
Photographic observations of minor planets and of comets made in 1954-1957
Density and Velocity Distribution of the Interstellar Gas.
A survey of the continuous radiation from the Galactic System at a frequency of 1390 Mc/s
Summaries and Conclusions
Miscellaneous observations of some new minor planets
Note on the density of ionized hydrogen in the Galactic System
The Crab nebula
Photoelectric magnitudes and colours at maximum brightness for 184 Cepheids (Errata: 15 330)
U Trianguli Australis, a classical Cepheid with secondary period
The distribution of atomic hydrogen in the outer parts of the Galactic System
Photo-electric light-curves in blue and yellow light of the eclipsing variable RR Trianguli Australis
Observations of two occultations of the Crab nebula by the Moon at 400 Mc/s
