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Multinationals, capital export, and the inclusive development debate in developing countries
Mediatization of ethnographic research practice in the digital age
Op boekenjacht
Annual report African Studies Centre Leiden 2021
The nationalisation of British banks in post-colonial Tanzania
Where have the midwives gone?
Ethiopian-Eritrean studies
The call of ‘thinking wild’ in times of climate disaster
Collecties onder de hamer
Khoisan consciousness
Female slam poets of francophone Africa
Impact of a mobile health system on the suppression of Schistosoma haematobium in Chad
Singing the individual
Inequalities in higher education in low‐ and middle‐income countries
Beyond institutional blueprints: hybrid security provision and democratic practice in Mali
Annual report African Studies Centre Leiden 2020
Family resemblances in action
Pentecostalism and the arts of insistence
