Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The fiscal effects of armed conflicts in Africa
The nationalisation of British banks in post-colonial Tanzania
Subjects of history: administrative categories, ethnic labels, and the limits of cultural citizenship in Ethiopia
Inequalities in higher education in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of the literature
Labour of love: secrecy and kinship among Ghanaian-Dutch and Somali-Dutch in The Netherlands
Entrepreneurship in microfranchising: an emerging market perspective
On “good governance”: towards reconciling state and vernacular views in Southwest Ethiopia.
Afterword: the hodological challenge, exploring middle-class pathways and their biography
Crossing the borderline in strategic corporate philanthropy: Dangote and the construction of cement roads in Nigeria
De toekomst van de Sahel als overwinteringsgebied voor Europese trekvogels
Second-hand vehicle markets in West Africa: a source of regional disintegration, trade informality and welfare losses
Worlds apart?: exploring the problematic irrelevance of a psy-therapy promoting happiness-as-norm in an African context
Transnational migrants, land and new investment hubs in African cities
Introduction: frugal innovation and development research
Development built on crony capitalism? : the case of Dangote Cement
Context en effect van een brede integrale grenscontrole
The prospects for micro leasing in Africa
The British government, Idi Amin and the expulsion of British Asians from Uganda
La portée historique du Sawaba : la France et la destruction d’un mouvement social au Niger
