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(25 - 48 of 268)


16 The earliest occupation of Europe: the environmental background
6 The earliest occupation of Europe: the Elbe-Saale region (Germany)
3 The earliest occupation of Europe: the Balkans
4 The earliest occupation of the Russian Plain: a short note
10 The earliest occupation of Europe: the British Isles
The Tautavel workshop: an introduction
1 The earliest occupation of Europe: the Iberian peninsula
2 The earliest occupation of Europe: Italy
An Early/Middle Bronze Age common grave at Wassenaar, the Netherlands. The physical anthropological results
Indirect Correspondence Analysis and Botanical Macroremains: a case Study
Traces of Ancient Vessel Use: Investigating Prehistoric Usage of four Pot Types by Organic Residue Analysis using Pyrolysis Mass spectrometry
Dwelling on peat; fissures as a recurrent feature of prehistoric stuctures built on peat in the Western Netherlands
Le "Projet Toguèrè" dans le Delta interieur du Niger, Mali
Bottle gourd seeds at Gallo-Roman "Le Bois Harlé" (Oise, France)
An Early/Middle Bronze Age multiple burial at Wassenaar, the Netherlands
Flint exploitation on Long Island, Antigua, West-Indies
Artificially intelligent archaeogists: fundamentals, facts and fictions
A crowded peat area: observation in Vlaardingen-West and the Iron Age habitation of southern Midden-Delfland
Kelbey's Ridge 2, A 14th Century Taino settlement on Saba, Netherlands Antilles
Pollen from coprolites and recent droppings: useful for reconstructing vegetations and determining the season of consumption?
Underwater heritage management: cultural and legislative perspective
Use-wear analysis on preceramic Colombian artefacts of te Abrience toolclass
Once again Toterfout-Halve Mijl
