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Approximation of criminal sanctions in the European Union
Receiving visits in Dutch prisons
Ethical Prison Architecture
Pretrial Detention and Incarceration Decisions for Foreign Nationals
Ecocide: een fair label?
Examining the Geography of Illicit Massage Businesses Hosting Commercial Sex and Sex Trafficking in the United States
Lost in translation
Is Cell Sharing Associated with Wellbeing, Misconduct and Prison Climate?
Procedural justice and legitimacy of the law in the criminal justice system
Do Prisoners With Reintegration Needs Receive Relevant Professional Assistance?
Explaining the Use of Traditional Law Enforcement Responses to Human Trafficking Concerns in Illicit Massage Businesses
In de war van verwarring
Bestraffing van personen met een buitenlandse nationaliteit
Rubriek Straf(proces)recht
Een meer structurele inzet van de videoconferentie in strafzaken?
Gevolgen van COVID-19 voor de rechtspraak en kwetsbare rechtzoekenden
Uitlokking door burgers en de (on)bruikbaarheid van het daardoor verkregen bewijsmateriaal
The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on social relationships of forensic psychiatric outpatients with preexisting social network-related problems
De strafzaak achter de strafbeschikking
