Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Managing invasive aspergillosis in haematological patients in the era of resistance polymerase chain reaction and increasing triazole resistance: A modelling study of different strategies
Multidrug-resistant bacterial infections in patients with decompensated cirrhosis and with acute-on-chronic liver failure in Europe
Hypothyroidism and the risk of breast cancer recurrence and all-cause mortality - a Danish population-based study
Metabolomic and lipidomic assessment of the metabolic syndrome in Dutch middle-aged individuals reveals novel biological signatures separating health and disease
Quality of reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in emergency medicine based on the PRISMA statement
Avoiding selection bias in metabolomics studies: a tutorial
Obesity and Cardiovascular disease. Results from the Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity Study
Chordoma: a systematic review of the epidemiology and clinical prognostic factors predicting progression-free and overall survival
Musculoskeletal health in musicians : epidemiology & biomechanics
Lack of beneficial effects of low-dose radiation therapy on hand osteoarthritis symptoms and inflammation: a randomised, blinded, sham-controlled trial
A priori and a posteriori derived dietary patterns in infancy and cardiometabolic health in childhood: The role of body composition
On the Importance of History: Response to Black as Death
Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infections in the Netherlands and Europe: implications for surveillance and control
Genetic determinants of cholesterol and energy metabolism : implications for cardiometabolic health
Risk factors of venous thrombosis in the elderly
Antenatal non-medical risk assessment and care pathways to improve pregnancy outcomes: a cluster randomised controlled trial
The burden of Invasive Aspergillosis in patients with haematological malignancy: A meta-analysis and systematic review
Metastatic Spine Tumor Epidemiology: Comparison of Trends in Surgery Across Two Decades and Three Continents
Incidence and outcome of acquired demyelinating syndromes in Dutch children: update of a nationwide and prospective study
