Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Maternal color‐consciousness is related to more positive and less negative attitudes toward ethnic‐racial outgroups in children in White Dutch families
How heritable are parental sensitivity and limit-setting? A longitudinal child-based twin study on observed parenting
Behavioral and neural pathways supporting the development of prosocial and risk-taking behavior across adolescence.
Inhibitory control across the preschool years: developmental changes and associations with parenting
Goal-directed correlates and neurobiological underpinnings of adolescent identity: A multimethod multisample longitudinal approach
Opportunities for neurodevelopmental plasticity from infancy through early adulthood
Development of Multifaceted Risk Taking and the Relations to Sex Steroid Hormones: A Longitudinal Study
Contributions of Reward Sensitivity to Ventral Striatum Activity Across Adolescence and Early Adulthood
Development of Multifaceted Risk Taking and the Relations to Sex Steroid Hormones: A Longitudinal Study
Longitudinal changes in social brain development: processing outcomes for friend and self
Attachment and temperament in the early life course: A meta-analytic review.
Gender Differences in Child Aggression: Relations With Gender-Differentiated Parenting and Parents’ Gender-Role Stereotypes
Parental Perceptions of Aggressive Behavior in Preschoolers: Inhibitory Control Moderates the Association With Negative Emotionality
Child care quality matters: how conclusions may vary with context.
The importance of shared environment in mother-infant attachment security: A behavioral genetic study.
Sensitivity and attachment: A meta-analysis on parental antecedents of infant attachment
In search of the absent father: Meta-analyses of infant-father attachment: A rejoinder to our discussants