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Quantification of Sequence Exchange Events between PMS2 and PMS2CL Provides a Basis for Improved Mutation Scanning of Lynch Syndrome Patients
Identification of a Quantitative MINT Locus Methylation Profile Predicting Local Regional Recurrence of Rectal
Early onset MSI-H colon cancer with MLH1 promoter methylation, is there a genetic predisposition?
A Cell-Free Assay for the Functional Analysis of Variants of the Mismatch Repair Protein MLH1
No recurrence of sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism when cure is established 6 months after parathyroidectomy
Sensitive and Specific KRAS Somatic Mutation Analysis on Whole-Genome Amplified DNA from Archival Tissues
MLPAinter for MLPA interpretation: an integrated approach for the analysis, visualisation and data management of Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification
COGENT (COlorectal cancer GENeTics): an international consortium to study the role of polymorphic variation on the risk of colorectal cancer
Dendritic cells in colorectal cancer correlate with other tumor-infiltrating immune cells
