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Unveiling wide-orbit companions to K-type stars in Sco-Cen with Gaia EDR3
A scaled-up planetary system around a supernova progenitor
K2 discovery of a circumsecondary disk transiting EPIC 220208795
The 13CO-rich atmosphere of a young accreting super-Jupiter
A search for transiting companions in the J1407 (V1400 Cen) system
Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS)
A wide-orbit giant planet in the high-mass b Centauri binary system
Discovery of a directly imaged planet to the young solar analog YSES 2
BEAST begins: sample characteristics and survey performance of the B-star Exoplanet Abundance Study
The β Pictoris b Hill sphere transit campaign
Disk evolution study through imaging of nearby young stars (DESTINYS): a close low-mass companion to ET Cha
Two directly imaged, wide-orbit giant planets around the young, solar analog TYC 8998-760-1
MASCARA-4 b/bRing-1 b: a retrograde hot Jupiter around a bright A-type star
ALMA and NACO observations towards the young exoring transit system J1407 (V1400 Cen)
An asymmetric eclipse seen toward the pre-main-sequence binary system V928 Tau
The young suns exoplanet survey: detection of a wide-orbit planetary-mass companion to a solar-type Sco-Cen member
Bright Southern Variable Stars in the bRing Survey
Photometric results of the β Pictoris b Hill sphere transit as observed by bRing, ASTEP, BRITE, and the HST
Revisiting the pulsational characteristics of the exoplanet host star β Pictoris
The B-Star Exoplanet Abundance Study: a co-moving 16-25 M_Jup companion to the young binary system HIP 79098
