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Distribution of signs and symptoms of complex regional pain syndrome type 1 in patients meeting the diagnostic criteria of the international association of the study of pain
Movement Disorders in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
DYT6 Dystonia: Mutation Screening, Phenotype, and Response to Deep Brain Stimulation
Prevalence and Clinical Profile of Restless Legs Syndrome in Parkinson's Disease
Trauma Symptoms Inventory Scale, Return to Work, and Atypical Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1? Response
No mutations in the voltage-gated Na(V)1.7 sodium channel alpha 1 subunit gene SCN9A in familial complex regional pain syndrome
The Identification of Parkinson's Disease Subtypes Using Cluster Analysis: A Systematic Review
Spontaneous onset of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Efficacy and safety of a single intrathecal methylprednisolone bolus in chronic complex regional pain syndrome
Systematic mutation analysis of seven dystonia genes in complex regional pain syndrome with fixed dystonia
Baclofen-Induced Chorea in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-Related Dystonia
Stilstaan bij beweging : over de hardware en software problemen van het bewegen
Psychological features of patients with complex regional pain syndrome type I related dystonia.
