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The Number of Donor-Specific IL-21 Producing Cells Before and After Transplantation Predicts Kidney Graft Rejection
Reduced Risk of BK Polyomavirus Infection in HLA-B51-positive Kidney Transplant Recipients
Determining the extent of maternal-foetal chimerism in cord blood
Reduced Risk of BK Polyomavirus Infection in HLA-B51-positive Kidney Transplant Recipients
Exposure to non-inherited maternal antigens by breastfeeding affects antibody responsiveness
Jon van Rood: The pioneer and his personal view on the early developments of HLA and immunogenetics
Anti-HLA antibodies with complementary and synergistic interaction geometries promote classical complement activation on platelets
Infection with a virus generates a polyclonal immune response with broad alloreactive potential
Increased HLA-G Expression in Term Placenta of Women with a History of Recurrent Miscarriage Despite Their Genetic Predisposition to Decreased HLA-G Levels
Anti-HLA antibodies with complementary and synergistic interaction geometries promote classical complement activation on platelets
The long and winding road towards epitope matching in clinical transplantation
Transplantation in highly sensitized patients: challenges and recommendations
Cross-Reactivity of Virus-Specific CD8+T Cells Against Allogeneic HLA-C: Possible Implications for Pregnancy Outcome
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation of a vascular calcification inhibitor (INS-3001) in rats
No Evidence for Cross-reactivity of Virus-specific Antibodies With HLA Alloantigens
Technical challenges and clinical relevance of single antigen bead C1q/C3d testing and IgG subclass analysis of human leukocyte antigen antibodies
The combination of maternal KIR-B and fetal HLA-C2 is associated with decidua basalis acute atherosis in pregnancies with preeclampsia
A subset of anti-HLA antibodies induces Fc gamma RIIa-dependent platelet activation
The combination of maternal KIR-B and fetal HLA-C2 is associated with decidua basalis acute atherosis in pregnancies with preeclampsia
