Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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AutoSR4EO: an autoML approach to super-resolution for earth observation images
The impact of loose‐parts‐play on schoolyard social participation of children with and without disabilities
Social connectedness at the playground before and after COVID-19 school closure
A systematic analysis on the impact of contextual information on point-of-interest recommendation
A novel data-driven approach to examine children’s movements and social behaviour in schoolyard environments
A novel data-driven approach to examine children’s movements and social behaviour in schoolyard environments
End-to-end pipeline for uncertainty quantification and remaining useful life estimation
Automated machine learning for COVID-19 forecasting
Towards time-series feature engineering in automated machine learning for multi-step-ahead forecasting
Automated machine learning for satellite data
MultiETSC: automated machine learning for early time series classification
Automated machine learning for remaining useful life estimation of aircraft engines
An intelligent tree planning approach using location-based social networks data
Exploring the impact of noise on hybrid inversion of PROSAIL RTM on Sentinel-2 data
Dynamic macro scale traffic flow optimisation using crowd-sourced urban movement data
Identifying Stops and Moves in WiFi Tracking Data