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The MUSE-Faint survey
The MUSE-Faint survey
MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) IX. The impact of gas flows on the relations between the mass, star formation rate, and metallicity of galaxies
Bipolar outflows out to 10 kpc for massive galaxies at redshift z ≈ 1
Scaling relations of z ~ 0.25-1.5 galaxies in various environments from the morpho-kinematics analysis of the MAGIC sample
The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field survey XVI
Cold gas in distant galaxies
MusE GAs FLOw and wind (MEGAFLOW) VII
The MUSE-Wide survey
The MUSE Extremely Deep Field
The Tully-Fisher relation in dense groups at z~0.7 in the MAGIC survey
MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) VII: a NOEMA pilot program to probe molecular gas in galaxies with measured circumgalactic gas flows
The ALMA spectroscopic survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: multiband constraints on line-luminosity functions and the cosmic density of molecular gas
The ALMA spectroscopic survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: constraining the molecular content at log(M*/M) 9.5 with CO stacking of MUSE-detected z >1.5 galaxies
The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. XV. The mean rest-UV spectra of Ly emitters at z > 3
The nature of CR7 revealed with MUSE: a young starburst powering extended Ly emission at z = 6.6
Stellar populations and physical properties of starbursts in the antennae galaxy from self-consistent modelling of MUSE spectra
VLA-ALMA spectroscopic survey in the hubble ultra deep field (VLASPECS): total cold gas masses and CO line ratios for z = 2-3 main-sequence galaxies
The ALMA spectroscopic survey in the HUDF: the cosmic dust and gas mass densities in galaxies up to z ~ 3
The ALMA spectroscopic survey in the HUDF: a model to explain observed 1.1 and 0.85 mm dust continuum number counts
Nature and physical properties of gas-mass selected galaxies using integral field spectroscopy
The MUSE-Faint survey. I. Spectroscopic evidence for a star cluster in Eridanus 2 and constraints on MACHOs as a constituent of dark matter
A comparison of the stellar, CO, and dust-continuum emission from three star-forming HUDF galaxies at z ~ 2
Evidence for ram-pressure stripping in a cluster of galaxies at z = 0.7
