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Supporting women with breast cancer in making an informed decision about immediate breast reconstruction
Clinical implications of incorporating genetic and non-genetic risk factors in CanRisk-based breast cancer risk prediction
Breaking barriers
Validation of the 70-gene signature test (MammaPrint) to identify patients with breast cancer aged >= 70 years with ultralow risk of distant recurrence
Refining individualized medicine in older patients with breast cancer
Breast cancer mortality of older patients with and without recurrence analysed by novel multi-state models
Real-world evaluation of supportive care using an electronic health record text-mining tool: G-CSF use in breast cancer patients
Cysteine cathepsins in breast cancer
The tumor-stroma ratio in epithelial cancer types
Systems biology as a compass to understand cancer-immune interactions in humans
The path to individualised breast cancer screening
Breast cancer risks associated with missense variants in breast cancer susceptibility genes
Discontinuation of adjuvant endocrine therapy and impact on quality of life and functional status in older patients with breast cancer
Standardization of the tumor-stroma ratio scoring method for breast cancer research
Transparency in quality of radiotherapy for breast cancer in the Netherlands
Differences in treatment and survival of older patients with operable breast cancer between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
Differences in treatment and survival of older patients with operable breast cancer between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
Cancer chess
Who are the women who enrolled in the POSITIVE trial
Ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive breast cancer
